Owner Full Legal Name*Business Name*Business Address (No P O Box)*City*State*Zip Code*Phone Number*Social Security Number*Email Address*State where LLC is located?*County where LLC is located?*What year was this LLC formed?* If you have another address you would like your mail to be delivered, please write the full address of your resident agent. (optional)How many members manage this LLC?*If you have more then one member please list each member first and last name below per line.Please specify your primary business activity for this company?*State of Registration*Michigan LLC & EIN Registration $150.00Ohio LLC & EIN Registration $200.00California LLC & EIN Registration $210.00Georgia LLC & EIN Registration $200.00Delivery Options*1-2 Weeks Regular Shipping via Email $0.0024 Hours Express Shipping via Email $110.00SendThis field should be left blank